How Pregnancy Changes Your Skin

How Pregnancy Changes Your Skin

Congratulations new soon-to-be mama! You’re pregnant!

Pregnancy brings much more than a growing tummy and an endless amount of peculiar food cravings. While a new life is forming inside you, there will be some side effects that’ll come along for the ride such as morning sickness, more energy, gas, more or less sleep, hormonal acne, glowing skin, growing hair, and the list goes on.

Since every woman’s experience varies, it’s important to be aware of and gentle with yourself during this precious time. Understanding the experience is not a one-size-fits-all deal, and each day that your baby grows inside of you is a blessing and a gift.

That being said, you’ll quickly begin to notice how your skin changes during pregnancy -- including facial and body care as your physique takes on a new form.

Just like you’ll get a list from your healthcare provider on foods to avoid within the next nine months, you’ll want to also be mindful of specific ingredients to eliminate from your skin and body regime.

Here are a few ingredients that you should avoid during pregnancy:

Retinoids, found in anti-aging products, Tetracycline, mostly in acne cream, Hydroquinone, within dark spot serums, Phthalates, found in fragranced soaps and lotions, Ammonia, within hair dyes, and Thioglycolic Acid, used in hair removal treatments.

During a woman’s pregnancy journey, she may come across dark patches that were not there prior to conceiving. The appearance of hyperpigmentation is due to an increase in estrogen levels which promotes the skin’s melanin production. In order to prevent this from continuing, apply mineral SPF on a daily basis. This type of sunscreen is best for children, pregnant, or breastfeeding women.

While some women are lucky with the new mommy-to-be radiant glow, others may experience teenage-inspired breakouts. With all the hormonal changes that come with carrying a new bundle of joy, this skincare concern is completely normal. Many women claim this happens within the first trimester and goes away within the next few months.

If you’re experiencing flare-ups and pimples, try using organic ingredients such as plant-based antioxidants, sulfur, and/or camphor.

These anti-inflammatory properties target bacteria, fight against free-radicals and promote healthy hydrated skin also known as the new mom glow.

Stretch marks are a normal part of pregnancy.

As you prepare to welcome your bun in the oven into the world, you may notice pink and purple lines in a zigzag pattern around your belly.

First, embrace your shape and be gentle with your physical appearance -- you’re carrying precious gold.

Second, know that over 90% of women gain stretch marks during their pregnancy, therefore you’re not alone.

You’ll want to invest in products that are cocoa butter-based, shea butter infused, and avocado-reviewed. These elements help with skin elasticity, boost collagen, and promote hydration. Lathering your skin with these types of products on a daily basis will result in smoother, healthier skin.