Victoria “Tori” Thain Gioia is the co-CEO & co-founder of Perelel, the first OB/GYN-founded wellness company that offers women dynamic prenatal vitamins and supplements, resources, and community tailored to the varying stages of motherhood.
Tori was moved to launch Perelel alongside co-founders Dr. Banafsheh Bayati and Alex Taylor in 2019 when, while pregnant, she learned that her daughter would be born with a cleft lip. Wanting to understand everything she could about what might have caused this birth defect that affects roughly one in every 2,800 babies born in the US, she turned to her OB, Dr. Bayati. He found that the defect was associated with a folic-acid deficiency early in her pregnancy that was not addressed with her one-size-fits-all prenatal vitamin.
After further research, Tori uncovered an array of additional issues that can arise from relying on a generic prenatal vitamin. There was no singular option that supported the complex nutritional needs for a mother and baby at each stage of pregnancy.
Tori and her team created Perelel to address this important category that had been previously overlooked. All of Perelel’s offerings extend beyond just a supplement subscription in the form of an intimately supportive community and personalized resources at every step of the pre and post natal journey.
Prior to launching Perelel, Tori held roles in finance, strategy, and investing at Olive & June, Honest Co., Carbon38, Crestview Partners, and Lazard. She graduated from Harvard Business School with honors and holds a bachelor’s degree from Duke University. Tori resides in Los Angeles with her husband, two toddlers, and a newborn baby girl.
What is one lesson you’ve learned that you’ll pass along to your kids?
I’ve never met a kind person who wasn’t happy. It sounds almost so simple it’s trite, but just being kind to others is the single most important thing I hope to nurture in my children.
What excites you most about being a mother?
My children themselves. They are all at once the most magical, beautiful, and exhausting little things and -- by far -- my biggest accomplishment.
Tell us about your child’s name. Is there a special meaning behind it?
We wanted each of our children to have a name from someone important in our lives. My son’s full name is John Phineas after my dad, John, although we call him Finn. Our second child’s name is Imogen Katherine, whose middle name was my husband’s sister's name. Our youngest daughter, Filippa Martha, shares a middle name with her grandmother and her aunt. We wanted each to stand apart as an individual, but also be tied back to our loved ones.

What was your pregnancy journey like? What surprised you?
It has been more challenging than I ever expected or ever realized it could have been, given what I grew up seeing in movies and scrolling through Instagram. I’ve been pregnant five times and only had one “all clear” 20 week scan. Twice, we didn’t make it that far, and once I was told my daughter had a facial deformity that would likely require multiple surgeries. Pregnancy is exciting, hard, complex, and, at times, heartbreaking -- but it’s all a part of motherhood!
How has life changed for you since becoming a mother?
I wish I could say it hasn’t changed at all, but it feels like an entirely different life right now. When I look back at those moments where I felt so busy and overwhelmed pre-children, it is nothing compared to what life is like today, juggling two toddlers, a newborn, and a new business. I have had to learn how to be incredibly efficient with my time and accept that sleep is a thing of the past.
What is a recent parenting experience that made you laugh or cry?
We are working on potty training our two toddlers right now and, in turn, they are learning more about what is happening to their bodies. My son gave us a very long winded explanation about where farts come from. I couldn’t stop laughing despite how serious he was taking his explanation. I can confirm we have a lot more to teach him about the human body!
Do you have any mom icons?
Any and all moms! It's tough and we’re all making it through every day.
What are you eating these days?
Everything -- I’m breastfeeding!