Chelsea Matthews on Being an Entrepreneur and a Mom

Chelsea Matthews on Being an Entrepreneur and a Mom
You’ve definitely seen Chelsea Matthews’ work before. As the Founder of LA-based creative agency, Another, she launches, refines, and redefines global brands through strategic marketing. Some of her clients include Nike, W Hotels, Garrett Leight Optical, Parachute, and many more.
She also co-owns Highly Likely, a cafe in West Adams and Candid, a content creation platform. And because she never stops, she hosts the podcast, Sessions.
What is the self-care practice you prefer to maintain balance?
On the weekends, I try to make minimal plans and allow for slow days. As someone who can be quite ‘on’ during the week, I really enjoy being ‘off’ on the weekends and doing slow things like playing legos with my kids, putzing around the house, cooking, and drinking good wine.
What is one lesson you’ve learned that you’ll pass along to your kids?
You have to get uncomfortable to create meaningful change. I’m a big believer in pushing yourself outside of your comfort zones in order to grow, evolve, and ultimately gain more joy in your life.

What excites you most about being a mother?
I daydream about the future a lot. Not that I’m trying to rush time — because I’m definitely not — but I love to think about who they will be as men one day. Where will the interests they have today take them tomorrow? Who will they marry (or will they marry)? What risks will they take? How adventurous will they be? Those kinds of things make me excited. It’s almost a consideration of what influences I can give them today that will potentially shape them for decades from now.
What are your three most helpful parenting resources you’ve come across and why do you love them?
First, friends with kids. I always go to them first for anything.
Second, I really love LOVEVERY. Not only are all their toys and products aesthetically pleasing to have strewn around your house, but it makes developmental learning for your littles super fun and easy.
Third, I have found online communities of entrepreneurial moms (like HeyMama) super encouraging, insightful, and supportive. As someone who likely identifies as a business woman before a mom, I find it meaningful to meet other women with a similar spirit (and life juggle).
Have you ever been mom-shamed? How did you handle it?
I don’t know that I have (phew), but I do think I’ve mom-shamed myself plenty of times. I struggled with breastfeeding with both of my boys and always felt inadequate for that –– like my body wasn’t as built for motherhood as other women. The world of babies tells you indefinitely that “breast is best” and it’s hard to find alternative points of view that are supportive or encouraging of stopping breast feeding, which can make you feel like you’re making bad choices for your child.