Nikia Rodriguez Prepares for Birth

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Nikia Rodriguez Prepares for Birth

Nikia Rodriguez Prepares for Birth

Nikia Rodriguez is a California transplant by way of Upstate New York. Her move to Los Angeles 12 years ago was inspired by her interests in fashion and entertainment (as well as an aversion to cold weather). She soon found her strong suit in producing as part of the small event production team that built Create & Cultivate, a conference series focused on empowering and connecting women. In the past two years, she has transitioned those production skills to the world of content and video production. Alongside her husband, Jeff, she now runs Picture Ridge Productions, which specializes in creating branded travel and lifestyle content.

Nikia, who is about to give birth to her first child, lives in Pasadena with Jeff and their dog, Poppy. We caught up with the soon-to-be-mom to ask her to share some pregnancy tips…

How has your pregnancy been?

Pregnancy has been smooth, for the most part. I did battle daily nausea and exhaustion in my first trimester, which so far has been the toughest stretch of pregnancy for me. I did not feel great those first 12 weeks. In my second and now, third trimester I can say that I have felt much more like myself (albeit, much heavier and prone to napping).

What has surprised you most about pregnancy?

How quickly it has flown by! It feels like just a couple months ago that I was looking at a pregnancy test with the word ‘PREGNANT’ on it! However, my jaded perception of time may be due to the global pandemic we are all living through, but nonetheless, I am in awe of the speed at which our bodies can create and sustain new life. 

Are there any parenting books or other resources you’ve found helpful?

So far, I have read What to Expect When You’re Expecting, Bringing up Bebe, and The Happiest Baby on the Block. While, I’m happy to have learned something from each of them, I accept that there’s nothing that will prepare me for parenthood like actually living it. Armed with a small amount of insight into what’s to come, I am approaching this new experience with as little presumption as possible. I acknowledge that I have no clue what I am doing, and there’s something very exciting about that!

How to you find balance?

Balance is something I’m constantly striving for. Right now I’m focusing on feeling my best and being gentle with myself mentally, physically, and emotionally. Mentally, I practice balance by accepting that I have little to no control over what’s to come. I can only “prepare” and organize so much. Physically, it’s an internal battle of wanting to do more but also being realistic about my capabilities and being patient with my body. Emotionally, I find balance in talking to my loved ones and being honest about my feelings as they present themselves… even when they’re hormonal and erratic.

How do you practice self-care?

My self care routine is in very basic form these days. It’s really dependent on what I have the energy for, which ebbs and flows. Some days, it’s going on a walk, or to the park to breathe in fresh air and absorb a bit of nature. Other days, I read, apply skincare, or take a bath. To me, self-care is really about listening to my mind and body and trying to honor how I am feeling day to day.

What are you eating these days?

Eating is something that I truly enjoy in life and I’m really leaning into the mindset of eating what I want, when I want, for the time being. Perks of pregnancy, right? I haven’t had any specific pregnancy cravings, but all the meals that I have craved have been those from my childhood (chicken fingers, peanut butter and jelly, hot chocolate, and anything cooked by my mom). There’s got to be a connection between being pregnant and yearning for the simplicity of childhood meals. 

Do you have any mom icons?

I look to the women closest to me for wonderful examples of what a mother should be. My mom, my grandmother, my mother in law. They’ve all raised children from a place of love, understanding, and strong morals — and I hope to do the same.