5 Holiday Traditions to Start with Your Family That Will Continue Through the Year
The holidays are the most magical time of the year, but what makes them even more special is the traditions done together as a family. Whether they have been passed down since your own childhood or something new you have incorporated with your kids, the memories will be cherished for a lifetime. Mini Bloom has asked some of our favorite ladies about the customs that have become very much a part of their annual celebrations and hope you may decide to adopt one or all for yourselves.
For Mini Bloom’s founder Lauren Wolk Goldfaden, “traditions make the holiday season sparkle in so many ways.” Her family-of-four has incorporated some old and new traditions. “We adopt a few children every year and provide gifts for them which my kids love doing,” she says. “They get to be a part of the entire process – shopping, wrapping the presents and dropping them off.” And giving back deserves a sweet treat. “I have to say our favorite holiday tradition that we have done for years now is a holiday cookie decorating party,” Lauren adds. “The kids get to invite a few friends over to decorate (and of course eat!) holiday cookies. There’s just something about this day – the smell of cookies and the glow on the kids’ faces that always make this event feel extra special.”
DJ Lindsay Luv has a similar sentiment as food is the basis of her family’s tradition. “We make monkey bread and bloody Marys every Christmas morning,” the mom-of-two shares. “On Christmas Eve, I’m Italian, so we try and do the feast of the seven fishes.” Though her daughter and infant son are too young at the moment, she will incorporate a charitable aspect down the line as well. “As my kids get old enough, we will also have them pick out gifts to donate to those in need. It’s important to me they understand how lucky they are and how we can always help others who aren’t as fortunate. Christmas is for everyone.”
With family living in several states and a very nonstop life on the road, being home in Nashville for the holidays is “such a precious time” for Cassie Kelley. “Christmas Eve is a big event in our house,” she explains. “We host dinner for family and extended family. Before the kids go to bed, they get dressed in matching Christmas jammies and Santa arrives at our house before his big night to read "The Night Before Christmas" to everyone. It's always a mix of excitement and nostalgia that fills all of us up!"
Even aunties can have traditions of their own. DailyMail TV and Good Morning America 3 correspondent Alicia Quarles loves getting creative with her niece London and nephew Cayson. "We pull out the glue guns and get to work,” she notes. “We make wreaths, holiday bows for her hair and Christmas tree ornaments. It's so nice to pull out our creations from years past and then add new items to our collection."
And if you don’t want to wait until December like actress Camille Guaty-Kaye, she will be incorporating a new one for her son this Thanksgiving. “For my family, we’re starting a thankful tree this year,” she says. “It’s a great way to involve all the members of your family and any guests that come through your door in the month of November. On a fall decoration or as simple as a paper leaf cut out, write down what you're most thankful for and then place it on the tree (branch) as part of a reminder of everything we have to be grateful for.”